How to use pb nutrition shakes

Welcome to pb nutrition, where we're on a mission to make plant-based eating easy and delicious! We're a team of busy professionals and dietitians who know firsthand how tough it can be to find quick, healthy meal options. That's why we created our tasty and nutritious shakes - the perfect solution for busy millennials like us who need a quick fix for hectic days (and lazy days too!).

So here are some pro tips on how to prepare and use pb nutrition. 

Follow these simple steps to get you started:

- Add 425ml cold water (makes a 500ml serve with the powder) - Add 3 scoops^ to your shaker - Close the shaker tight and shake for 10 seconds - Ideally, let this sit for 5-10 minutes to give the natural ingredients, such as oats and flaxseeds, time to soak to contribute to a fuller, smoother texture. - Pour into a glass or drink straight from the shaker Tip: Not ready to sip your pb nutrition right away? Let it chill it in the fridge for up to 24 hours for a refreshing meal solution. Don't fret if it separates, just give it a shake and you're set.

Just 3 scoops with water, shake and enjoy a balanced meal!

If you want to shake things up even more, feel free to get creative! For example:

- Instead of water, add your favourite plain plant milk to make up the shake - Change the thickness by changing the amount of liquid you add - Blend it into your favourite smoothie!

Using pb nutrition & weight loss

If you are on a mission to lose weight, you can still use pb nutrition shakes! We simply recommend you reduce the serving size to 2.5 scoops^ and add 440ml of cold water. Read on for further information.

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No Scoop? No Problem!

If you don't have a pb nutrition scoop, you can either weigh out the powder or use metric measuring cups to measure out your serve! See the below table for weights and measurements.

How to use pb nutrition shakes

weight scoops Metric cup (pressed and levelled) Serves per pack
Standard serve 75g 3 scoops ¾ cup 12
Slim serve 60g 2.5 scoops ½ cup 15