Meet our pb dietitian

A little about Eliza

Let's learn a little bit more about this Accredited Practising Dietitian based in the beachy city of Newcastle. While Eliza now helps make fabulous food products at Sanitarium, she's also had experience as a clinical dietitian for hospitals and outpatient clinics. She's super passionate about making healthy eating easy and debunking common misconceptions around food using evidence-based nutrition facts. She’s also a pro at sneaking veggies into her home-cooked meals. (Impressive, right?)

Why she loves pb nutrition

Eliza is super excited about pb nutrition. When it comes to selecting convenient nutrition on-the-go, she always recommends looking for something high in fibre and protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals that help nourish your body throughout the day. And of course Eliza loves the fact that pb nutrition is plant based, delivering key nutrients like vitamin B12 and calcium. That’s why she is so proud to be part of the team that's bringing you pb nutrition shakes. With these shakes, you can feel confident that you're making a nutritious start to your day, even if you're short on time. Eliza loves to sip on her pb nutrition shake when she's running low on time to make her usual brekkie. And let's be real, who doesn't love a delicious and nutritious shake?

Got a nutrition question? Ask away! 

Are you looking for some simple and savvy advice on how to eat healthier?
Eliza's got you covered!

Our awesome pb dietitian is here to answer your burning nutrition questions.
Simply fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch with you ASAP.

Our awesome Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) Eliza is here to answer all your general nutrition questions and offer expert hacks. If you require personalised advice or have specific health needs, we highly recommend reaching out to an APD who can regularly work with you one-on-one to develop a nutrition plan that's tailored to your unique needs and goals. They will have capacity to take into account your personal medical and dietary history and help you navigate any health issues or concerns you may have to help you achieve optimal health. You can find an APD in your local area here.